The Clark’s at Home

The start of spring and some wet weather out side. Considering I now spend most of my days out in what ever God feels fit to throw at us, this year to date has been very forgiving compared with the amount of rain we had last year. To date we have only had two days of rain and a couple of drizzly days.  The temperature has been cold but again not too many frosts so fine, fresh and clear. Enough of the weather, the main events of March were centred on the Family.

The first event was the Christening of Alexandra on the 10th March. This was also Mothering Sunday so it was a day of celebration and good company at The Pheasantry. I managed to embarrass Mum by getting her a posy from the Vicar, when he asked if all the children would like to collect them for their Mothers. Seemed perfectly reasonable to me. Angus spent most of his time introducing himself to the whole of St Johns Felbridge church congregation. I do not know where he gets it from? Anna just wanted to hold Lexie and sit with Auntie Minnie, so Hatty and I were childless for the whole service.

Anyway some pictures of the main attraction Lexie:

The next important event was the beginning of Angus and the terrible Two’s, yes Boys Birthday. March is a bit of a Birthday bonanza for Hatty’s side off the Family with her sister Rachel and Stepfather Mike either side of Angus. Therefore, Sunday 17th March was spent celebrating a belated Mothers Day for Paula and the rest of the Birthdays with a present extravaganza.

Angus had his own party tea on the 18th March with some friends and more presents!

The last celebration March 31st was Easter, which we had at home with all my side of the Family around for the traditional roast lamb. After lunch, we had an egg hunt and then just relaxed for the rest of the day. Click here for the pictures